The steps below give a detailed explanation on how to. MicroStrategy Developer provides users with the ability to create shortcut metrics such as transformation, percent to total and rank metrics on the fly. Click Advanced. In MicroStrategy Tutorial, create a metric named Percentage Change in Revenue that calculates the percentage change in revenue as compared to last year's revenue as shown below: Click on Tools in the menu, select Formatting and then click on Values. Conclusion and referenceTo Create a Transformation Shortcut Metric. While all metrics have a formula, not all of them have. Follow the steps in KB4374 to create a transformation on the attribute year. Open the dossier you want to modify. Click Next when you finish selecting metrics, filters, and transformations. Using the rank or percent metric qualifications is not necessary with this operator. The transformation to apply to the metric has already been created. 5. Need suggestions on this. Metrics are the representation of business measures and important performance indicators. Consolidations are used to specify the data that you want to view in your report. Place the new metric in the desired location, as shown in the screen shot below: To create a custom metric format. For example, using the MicroStrategy Tutorial project, users may want to calculate the number of days between today and the Hire Date. For example, in a report that shows. Enter a description for the custom group in the Enter Custom Group Description Here field. Drag objects from the Datasets panel to the Editor panel to add the corresponding data to the visualization. Select an in-memory cube. Go to the Data menu > Report Data Options > Display > Alias. 20 (or 20%). This results in cross-tab nulls. Create a report with Category, and Revenue; 2. For a more detailed description, see About the report level of a metric. Browse to the Platform Analytics Cube in the Platform Analytics Project and select the option to create a new dossier. Avoid Images on Thresholds. KB19708:. 6. Run the report, under "Data" on the toolbar, click "Show Totals". x - 10. Use Workstation. The New Prompt page opens. Now this setting is applied to derived metrics in MicroStrategy Web despite the checkbox not being available in the GUI. Click Exit. In MicroStrategy Developer, create a dummy metric with the following definition. The Metric Formula Editor opens. Save and close the metric definition. Click Toggle Totals on the Data toolbar. Run the report in Grid View. For example, you may want to see all the customers in a retail store that bring in over $1,000k in revenue per month, or a teach may want to only view data on students who scored over 2000 on their SATs. Create a new derived attribute by. MicroStrategy stock is up roughly 246% in 2023, and jumped more than 6% on. For example, you can use filters to create the TY/LY comparison. The Custom Group Editor appears. x Users have the option of setting a certain percentage of a metric's values to be displayed by using the. De-select the metric checkbox for Random Number. x-10. Consider the following example where a threshold has been applied on values grater than 15% as shown belowIn the Layout category in the Preferences dialog box, select the Re-calculate legend size automatically when data changes check box, and then the Reposition chart frame and legend check box. The Metric Formula Editor opens. Metrics are similar to formulas in spreadsheet software. 4. x Number of Views 2. 2. This ensures that graph report results are easy to decipher based on color. See Modifying existing metrics for more detailed instructions. (Sum ( [# of case]) {@ } / (Sum ( [Total case]) {@ } / Count (Comm) {@ } )) 3. For example, if attribute Region is 'Central' then derived metric value should be 'Profit + Cost'. You can display the bottom 50% of metric values. 4. You can define metrics by using the available functions to analyze your data and determine business measures. 6. You have the following options: Break by None: No break by is used and the rank is calculated accounting for each separate item on a report. In the Datasets panel, double-click attributes and metrics to add them to the visualization. In this example we will be creating Level Metrics in order to calculate Profit Contribution for Subcategories related to their own Categories, considering we are displaying only a few subcategories. KB8813: How to create a Percent to Total metric without OLAP Services permissions in Microstrategy Developer. The metric condition can be either a filter or a prompt that returns a list of filters. For example, we can use percentage to total, and just say by columns, and now we have the percentage that these guy represents of the total. The key points are: 1) create the Contribution (%) derived metric in the report instead of in the dashboard; 2) use filtering selector instead of slicing selector. As you make modifications, you can. = 100%. The steps below show you how to create a Lipstick or Overlapping Bar graph. If you are editing the Case function, use the values in step 8. Run this to Interactive mode and notice that all three metrics appear with Revenue and Profit on the Y1 axis and Random Number on the Y2 Axis. ( How?) If the Object Browser (the list of folders and objects) is not displayed, select Object Browser from the View menu. Select the area of the metric to format by selecting one of the following from the drop-down. The Thresholds icon on the toolbar, which allows users to show or hide thresholds, in MicroStrategy Web is also disabled. Select an operator from the drop-down that describes how you want to filter data, such as Greater than or Equals. KB13828: How to create a grid report showing Pareto (percentage) or cumulative percentages in MicroStrategy Developer 9. You can display the bottom 50% of metric values. You will learn about a couple of Level Metric. it looks like MicroStrategy doesn't support it, please advise. Create a Sum(Cost) metric with the level set to Quarter and grouping set to none. Create a derived element as demonstrated below: 2. The selected metric appears, by default, as the first metric. Another important observation is not to forget to enable "Smart Metric”. Right-click the column (s) or row (s) to see displayed as percents of a total. Given the following objects: Metrics: PROFIT: Sum (Profit) {~+} : Rank<ASC=False> (PROFIT) * : Percentile<Ascending=False> (PROFIT, 0. Each ring can have conditional formatting and can show progress against a fixed value or another metric. Click Create on any page, and select New Metric. x - 10. From a practical perspective, metrics are the calculations performed on data stored in your database, the results of which are displayed on a report. Create application objects. In the top toolbar, click Insert Visualization . They allow you to group attribute elements in new ways without changing the metadata and. The Select a Function. 5. 1 and above, percent bar graphs are not correctly displayed in Flash when the metrics have negative values. Clear the Filter setting: uncheck to exclude attributes absent in report or level (dimensionality) check box. Create a Sum(Cost) metric with the level set to Quarter and grouping set to none. Custom number formatting symbols. To open a document in Design Mode, from a folder, right-click the. This level must be higher than or equal to the level of aggregation for the metric itself. 3. To Create Metrics. x Users have the option of setting a certain percentage of a metric's values to be displayed by using the. Add these metrics into the report objects window of the. KB17619: How to create a conditional attribute in MicroStrategy Desktop 8. Create a derived metric with definition: Sum([Tot Cost]){~+, [Month Id]%} and choose Aggregate from Base in the metric option. This report shows the sum of sales for each month, for the previous row and the % change between them. 1. 69%; Percent value for total revenue of all. In the Card Editor, hover over a metric and select the Format Number icon . c. Metric calculations display information at simple as well as complex levels of. Metrics are similar to formulas in spreadsheet software. You can use filters to create the TY/LY comparison, as follows: To calculate this year's. Users may want to create a report with a metric that has the current date of execution as a column on a report in MicroStrategy Developer 9. 2. In MicroStrategy Developer , create two object prompts "Metric_Prompt1" and "Metric_Prompt2" with same definition as shown below: Create a report with Month in rows and two prompts in columns as shown below: Run the report in dual axis line graph mode. To create a view filter with a percent metric qualification. or. The results of these calculations appear on your dossier. Click Exit. The definition is Max(1). Prompts:The following is a procedure that will modify the default setting to create Outer Joins for metrics at the Project level: Procedure: Right-click on the Project name and select Project Configuration. The steps below use objects from the MicroStrategy Tutorial project as an example. Note that for the first row, the data from the previous row is 0 since the analysis is limited to the data retrieved by the report. Click Insert Visualization to add a new, blank visualization to the dossier. Place an attribute in the Trend area to view the metric by a specific attribute element. A derived metric performs a calculation on the fly with the data available on a report, without re-executing the report against the data source. Alternatively, from the Data menu, select Show Totals. 4. In the right pane, enter a name for the metric in the Metric Name field. To Create a Transformation Shortcut Metric. The filter criteria for the report is found in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement which calculates the. Alternatively, 4. Continue creating this derived metric by following the steps to create a summary metric in Using a function to create a subtotal: Creating summary metrics. Its minimum requirements are that one attribute and one metric be present on the report grid. Each Custom Group element should only include the attribute elements that the partial sum will be calculated for. In MicroStrategy Web 9. Create a report with at least one attribute and two metrics. x, as shown below:The following template contains metrics #1 and #2 above and the attributes 'Year' and 'Category'. Tutorial project is used here. If you are editing the If function, use the values in step 7. The alert remains in the active state as long as. Select Lowest % to create a threshold based on the bottom percent of metric values. Create a derived metric with formula (Revenue – Revenue) and add to columns 2. Create a standalone Derived metric DM : Create a new Intelligent Cube C01: Add the Quarter, Country, and Region attributes. To open a document in Design Mode, from a folder, right-click the document and select Edit. Apply to apply changes. Log in to a project in MicroStrategy Developer. That is, the metric calculates at the level of the target, if possible. Metrics are calculations performed on your data. Right-click the selected metrics, choose Calculation, and the function or formula for combining the metrics. Then, for mobile devices, our Responsive View will take over the layout and place groups vertically on the canvas. Choose Graph > Titles and Labels. 41 -> 24. Create an attribute element prompt that prompts on month. Derived metrics are metrics that a report analyst can create based on existing metrics on the report. Also notice the following:A transformation table is a type of relation table, normally used to create a transformation metric. 4. Also practical examples are used in this document in order to illustrate the. KB441377: Full Outer Join Optimization implemented in MicroStrategy. This knowledge base article documents how to calculate Percentage to Total in a metric subtotal in MicroStrategy Developer 9. Launch the Prompt Generation Wizard in MicroStrategy Developer by going to File menu > New and choosing 'Prompt'. Interactive, Express, etc. A limitation of the Percent to Total metric used with custom groups is that subtotals for each element of the custom group cannot be calculated properly. Log into a project in MicroStrategy Web. 56K KB20520: Percent to Total metric calculates the grand total according to the values reflected on the report instead of the…A metric set qualification lets the manager restrict data based on a set of attributes, in this case certain products, based on a metric value, rank, or rank percentage, in this case, inventory count below a certain level. Click Condition on the Metric component pane. This calculation can be used to measure the growth of users, customers, revenue, employees, and much more. This technical note lists the steps to create a stack bar graph that only displays the Totals, in MicroStrategy Developer 9. To create a shortcut metric on a report, click the report's name to execute it. Add DM. The Insert Function dialog box opens. 4. In the Metric editor, write the formula for the average sales. If you are not, do one of the following: Edit an existing metric. For example, in a report with metrics "Revenue","Cost" and "Profit Margin" on it, the value of "Profit Margin" is in percentage so that it's much smaller than "Revenue" and "Cost". In MicroStrategy Web, click the metric for which you want to enable a grand total or subtotals. Click the Apply check mark to create the new threshold or conditional format. Create a metric named 'Max of 1'. To select the metric (s) for which users can define their filters, on the Definition tab, choose one of the following options: Choose a metric: Browse to and select a specific metric to use. Subtotals are totals of selected groups of your metric data, totaled at a level you select. Is Null. From the MicroStrategy home page, click New Metric . Choose "False" for "ByValue". Every Command Manager command is represented in this module. If all conditions are false, a default value is returned. In MicroStrategy Desktop, create the metric to calculate / using MovingSum() function, as shown below:Create a selector on metrics, targeting the graph in step 3. Load Chapters on Demand. Select Condition. In free-form layout, we provide an intuitive way to let you visually “group” containers together. (This type of metric is called a conditional metric. Click Run to create the metrics listed. Bounce rate. Select 'Add a Metric qualification' and click OK. Create the “% Active Cohorts” metric (Users from a Cohort that have visits in a period) [Total Users]/[Total Users Cohort] 8. Content In order to create a metric in MicroStrategy Visual Insight to filter on a specific attribute, a Case statement function can be used to get the designed results. The level of this metric should be report level. In the list of categories on the left, click Subtotals. Search And Destory - WZ3 Waiting Room ----- Wanna Send a TIP!-->. Here is how you would calculate the MOM percent increase: MOM increase = ($200 – $100)/$100 * 100. Export this report to Excel and create a new column called 'Percentage'. Highlight and right-click on the function name "RunningSum". . How to calculate the top percent value of a metric based on the Total versus the Row count in MicroStrategy Developer 9. Select the filter or prompt to place on the metric using one of the following methods: Use the Object Browser to locate the object, then drag it into the Condition definition pane. Enter a. Create a derived metric and reserve it for future use in a visualization. For a description of level metrics, including examples, see Level Metrics: Applying the Metric Condition to the Metric Calculation. The calculation can restart based on attributes identified in the parameter settings. Here you just specify that the metric has no applicable subtotal. This Technical Note describes an issue when using a gauge graph to display multiple metrics in MicroStrategy Developer 10. This metric combines the values stored in your database with the values of the metrics that calculate the percentage financial line items into a single metric. Avoid Duplicated Datasets. The Input Metric Formula dialog box opens. Wrangle the new table to. Creating Bullet Chart – example To use that visualization, we need 3 metrics. Select Insert Metric and point to Percent To Total. A developer can build simple or compound metrics, apply to them many additional features like conditionality, level, transformation and also specify the formatting. Enter a new name for the custom group element and press ENTER. Due to the evaluation order used for smart metrics, compound metrics, and transformations, creating transformation metrics to display the. Click OK to return to the Metric Editor. Create the metrics as follows: 2. In MicroStrategy Tutorial, create a new report. Transformation Metrics: Time-Based and Other Comparisons. They don't trigger more metric alerts, but the alert stays in the active state. Lowest Percent Value: Adds a new threshold with the qualification predefined as "Percentage of selected metric Bottom 1". The Metric Editor opens in either Function Editor mode or Formula Editor mode, depending on the type of metric you chose to edit. The following code demonstrates how to accomplish this: Dynamic aggregation is the process by which metric results at the base level returned by the database are further aggregated in the Analytical Engine in OLAP. Metric calculations display information at simple as well as complex levels of. Metric calculations display information at simple as well as complex levels of. x-10. ; In Web: Choose Data > Insert New Metric. I want to make a column that contains only the value $18,432,807 so I can find the percentage that that months profit is of the total profit. Below there is an example of how to use it and create SVG metric by yourself. 09K. Perform the following steps. When the 'Customer' attribute is removed from the grid, the newly created metric dynamically shows the distinct count of customers at the Day, Region level as s hown below. Break byObject: A break by on Object is used to. If this box is cleared, no tooltips will be visible in the graph. This article describes how to create a metric with an attribute as a filter using a Case statement in a Visual Insight dashboard in MicroStrategy Web. Add the metric from Step 2 to the report shown above. {~+, Region+;-} To exclude filter attributes not on the report or in the metric level from calculation in the metric, put ;/ at the end of the level statement (inside the braces). Custom groups enable users to view specific elements based on a metric or specification. Click OK to return to the graph. Place 2014 (from Year attribute) in the a report attribute. x . Add Country Id, Year Id, and the derived metric to the grid, define visualization filter on Month and set the attribute Join Type to be Outer Join - Ignore Filter 5. For example, if attribute Region is 'Central' then derived metric value should be 'Profit + Cost'. Select Highest % to create a threshold based on the top percent of metric values. This condition may be implemented through an ApplySimple statement such as the following: The user will find that the CASE statement. Derived metrics are easy to create and can be made on-the-fly when you are viewing or creating a report, allowing you to create a metric while focusing on a given report. Create a conditional metric to calculate the revenue on the dynamic date. Create a second Intelligent Cube C02: Add the Year, Quarter, and Category attributes. Note that for the first row, the data from the previous row is 0 since the analysis is limited to the data retrieved by the report. Create a report with a null/zero column in the grid at the element-metric level 2. You can then apply an Element / value selector to the grid as a drop-down. These privileges are part of OLAP Services. The selected metric appears, by default, as the first metric in the calculation. Change the graph type to 'Vertical Bar:DualAxis Stacked'. To select the metric (s) for which users can define their filters, on the Definition tab, choose one of the following options: Choose a metric: Browse to and select a specific metric to use. In the list of categories on the left, click Subtotals. Steps are below to create a conditional metric. Follow the next steps to give a metric a customized format: Open the Metric Editor, go to Tools menu, and select either Values or Headers, as illustrated below: Go to the Number tab and select 'Custom'. From the Functions list on the left, browse to and select the function to use to. The report returns the following data when executed. 3. or. For information on how to display this property, see Viewing and Changing Advanced VLDB Properties. Continue creating this derived metric by following the steps to create a summary metric in Using a function to create a subtotal: Creating summary metrics. Expand the Series category. In the Detail Header section, add a panel stack by clicking Insert 'Panel Stack. CREATE METRIC "<metric_name>". To create a view filter with a percent metric qualification. If you wanted to show the Top 10 Brands based on a metric called 'Dollars', you would create a 'Set Qualification' filter and use the metric 'Dollars', set the Function Parameter as 'Rank', the Operator as 'Top' and. Input the metric formula. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple attributes and metrics. In the Functions pane, hover over the If or Case function and click Edit. x Report Servi…Click the name of the dashboard to run it. x. A blank visualization appears in the dossier. x. 00_);'. On the template, the month attribute, A - NORMAL SUM, C - DATA PREVIOUS ROW (B - A) and D - % CHANGE ((A-C)/C) are displayed using the F1 filter:To define a specific subtotal displays for a report like the one shown above, follow the steps below: Select Subtotals from the Data menu. Continue creating the metric (for example, adding levels or conditionality) . or. To create a filter with a condition on metric qualification. Syntax Sum(IF((Attribute. You need the Create Derived Metrics (MicroStrategy Developer) and/or the Web Create Derived Metrics and Derived Attributes (MicroStrategy Web) privileges. It. Within the Titles category, select the check box for the title or label to display. Create a second metric that is defined as Max(Region@ DESC). 1. 4The steps to create and use this metric is as follows. Metrics are MicroStrategy objects that represent business measures and key performance indicators. How to create a column in Microstrategy that contains the sum of another column. Do one of the following: To create a shortcut metric on a report, click the report's name to execute it. 7. " To apply thresholds to both metric values and subtotals on a report in MicroStrategy Web 9. Example 2: How to create a dossier that shows all objects that use a certain metric 1. To Create a Metric. None excludes the attribute in the target from the GROUP. The formatting options for series values appear. In this case, only one form exists for each, as shown below:To allow other users to add data to the metric (to emulate MicroStrategy 6. To use the format predefined by MicroStrategy HyperIntelligence, enable the Auto toggle. In detail, the issues are: The tooltip values are reversed; i. The metrics are created in the location specified. Create metric based on fact with the filter in metric condition, as shown below: Login as different users, and the results are as expected. Next, we will change the number format to fixed with a thousand separators. Click Switch to Formula Editor. If a metric cannot be created, you can double-click the metric to view a message describing why the metric creation failed. Insert a Drop-down selector. Percent to Total metric returns incorrect values; Glossary. Amalgamating various data points into a table to provide added context. The steps below show you how to create a view filter with a percent metric qualification, as well as how the example scenario above was created. From the. For information on training metrics and creating predictive. We will right-click on “Population (2014)” and select the “Create Metric” option. These metrics can be created in MicroStrategy Agent as follows: Consider the following example values for Sales and Cost. A pop-up appears which shows the create metric option. If the Auto-Apply Changes check box is cleared, click Apply to apply the view filter to the report. You need to compare business unit costs on a quarterly basis. For example, derived metrics can be used to subtract the data of one. Select the 'Running Sum parameters' option: Click the "Sort By" tab to select the custom group elements for. 9. 4. MicroStrategy has two kinds of transformations, that are expression-based transformations and Table-based transformations. A simple metric can also contain non-group functions or. Right-click the column (s) or Select the portions of the report for which percent-to-total data is to be displayed. From the Insert menu, select New Metric. Now, in the "Dataset Objects" pane, click on the down arrow next to the Profit metric and go to "Percent to Total" and then "Customer Region". 3. KB18705: How to create a custom subtotal to display the grand total of a metric that uses the 'End on hand' metric in Micr… Number of Views 2. Setting "ByValue" to False enables the. From the Data menu, choose Advanced Thresholds Editor. Avg is often used to create subtotals and metrics based on fact data. To enable totals or subtotals for a metric. Open the Workstation window. Choose Profit as answer for Metric_Prompt1 and Profit Margin for Metric_Prompt2. In the right pane, enter a name for the metric in the Metric Name field. 4. The legend frame is moved to one of the default locations on the graph report. The fuel for business dashboards is data, so each one needs to have one or more data sources. ' (a period), as shown below: In Design View, go to the Grid menu > Options > Columns and Rows. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder that contains the metric, select the metric, and click OK. Save the metric. The derived metric's value is 12. If you are creating a condition based on. For example, if a report contains revenue by year and month, the numbers are calculated to reflect monthly sales data. Unlike Value prompts with type of Numeric, in a Text prompt, it is not possible to drag and drop to the Metric Definition pane. Save the cube, and run it to publish. This returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the listed values. To add a transformation to a metric. In MicroStrategy Web, click the metric you want to format. 4. Let’s create derived metrics. Set the Conditionality to Brand filter. Create a report with Attribute "Year", custom group "Category" and Metric Revenue; Click in the Metric Revenue in Report Object and go to Insert Tab; Percent to Total; Total for each; Chose the level,. 6. The Excellent group denotes airports that have an average on-time percentage greater than 60%. In the drop-down list underneath, select the metric you wish to hide. 2. Click on target visualizations or visualization filters to. In the example image below, the metric Revenue has been hidden, although the Percent Growth remains the same. The Attribute Editor opens three dialog boxes, if the cascading dialog box option is enabled in the Developer Preference (as it is by default). 4. NOTE: If the above drop down list is disabled, the metric is not a compound metric and so smart totaling does not apply. Metrics play a critical role in MicroStrategy reporting. Percent-to-total shortcut metrics display the percent in relation to a selected total of each item affected by the metric. Month Elements Filter definition; Create a report that only includes year on the grid. Derived metrics are easy to create and can be made on-the-fly when you are viewing a report. Then it creates a third metric, a compound metric. … Number of Views 2. To define a Metric using a text based value prompt, directly type the prompt name.